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Annual Fee Invoice
2024 - 2025
Fiscal Year

PLEASE NOTE: Your real estate license must remain active and continuing education current!

The Annual Administrative Fee is due when the Referral Associate joins PenFed Realty Referral Company, LLC.

  • The annual fee is assessed in the fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th)

  • The fee is $99.00 per year.

  • Complete the information below and click submit, then the "Buy Now" button to complete payment.

    • If paying by PAYPAL - please use the link under the registration information.

    • If paying by Check - please print a copy of this page and send it to PenFed Realty Referral Company | 2930 Eisenhower Avenue, 4th Floor | Alexandria, VA  22314

      • Please make checks payable to " PenFed Referral Company, LLC "

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Thanks for submitting!

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